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Mobile Apps Die (1)

Mobile Apps Die – What Does Mean By Mobile Apps Die

What Does Mean By Mobile Apps Die?

Mobile Apps Die – While there are more than 2 billion in the app stores, mobile applications seem increasingly threatened. According to studies, only a few applications are used daily and largely dominate uses. Such as the best known, such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Youtube, Amazon, etc. Media, music, game or transport applications. So even if it is not tomorrow that the applications will disappear, some weak signals show us their end, at least as we know them today.

How to Analyses Mobile Apps Die?


“Websites will die soon.” Shortly, websites will cease to exist as they are losing popularity drastically in the face of endless apps for tablets and smartphones. The vast majority of active users surf the Internet using tablets or ‘smartphones,’ and not ‘laptops’ or desktop computers, as before, reports an article in The Wall Street Journal. ‘ This trend has favoured a  highly active use of different applications for these devices.

The publication compares user behaviour trends throughout 2014 with data from the Flurry mobile analytics service study. It turns out that tablet and smartphone users spend  86%  of their device usage time on apps and just  14%  of their time browsing websites.

“Think of your mobile phone. All those little icons on your screen are applications, not websites, and they work fundamentally. Differently than the Web,” the newspaper explains. ” Websites are dying: apps are killing them,” he concludes.

What Are The Options For The Future Of Mobile Applications?

Se Reinventer

One of the first solutions is to reinvent yourself. With Instant Apps, Google offers a vision of a world where we no longer have to install apps. And I must admit installing an application is still sometimes a scary experience. The advantage of these applications, launching from a web browser, is, in particular, to gain fluidity and storage on our phones. In many cases, this can also save time and greatly simplify the user experience. It remains to be seen how authentications can be managed to maintain one of the great strengths of applications. In the meantime, the first tests were launched at the start of the year with Buzzfeed, Periscope, Wish, and Viki.


Another solution for publishers is to go where the users are present. And where do users spend the most time on their mobile? Social networks and instant messaging. With the advent of chatbots, brands seem to have found the solution to allow users to control all their applications from a single facade. Using natural language, chatbots are an exciting alternative but one that has yet to prove itself because, for the moment. It looks more like a question-and-answer game than natural artificial intelligence that could simplify our daily lives.

Be Humanized

The applications will also have to be humanized in a genre close to the chatbot, thanks to commands and voice recognition. With, among other things, the arrival of Amazon Echo and Google Home, publishers will also have to think about giving voice to their applications and thinking about them differently so that a user can have the information he wants. In just two/three sentences. The applications will also have to adopt a data-driven strategy to simplify the possibilities for the user. Who will have to obtain a relevant and personalized solution, and this is for each person in the household.


The proliferation of connecting objects also leads to an increase in screens. Previously, brands had to develop services on computers, tablets, and smartphones… but tomorrow, their services and applications will also have to be compatible with watches, fridges, cars, and mirrors. So many different media and user experiences should be considered in future developments. Mobile applications will no longer be the only source of connection. They will have to know how to duplicate themselves because our entire environment will potentially be a reference source.


“Alone, we go faster; together, we go further.” Some companies have understood this maxim well and are forming partnerships to offer their service where it can be helpful and relevant for users. The most telling case is that of Uber, which, by opening its API, allows other applications (GPS, Hotel, event, etc.) to integrate the Uber service directly into their offer without the user having to feel out of their app.

The Concept Of Apps For Android That Will Die

Bad news for those who continue to use some of the BlackBerry apps on their Android mobiles: the company confirms that the end is coming for five applications, Some of which are of great importance. Say goodbye to the keyboard, the password manager, and the launcher.

The company managed to popularize smartphones, and Nokia transferred a large part of its software to the later systems that came later. Android and iOS. Precisely, BlackBerry offers a large amount of its exclusive software on Android, from security apps to personalization. Unfortunately, most of them have an expiration date: of 2022, and they do not pass.

With the disappearance of the BlackBerry mobile division, its software has been shedding. A good part of its Android apps fell during 2019, as was evident in the calendar that the brand has to announce the end of the life of its products. And, as CrackBerry found out, that schedule has been updated to include high-profile, high-use apps.


By transforming into a completely autonomous third-party service, applications can take advantage of a new audience and showcase a new lease of life to continue to exist. The Viber app on his smartphone was in this environment that he could read my SMS. It turns out that I, too, had established the application in question a few weeks earlier without actually using it. We then exchange several messages to agree on the date and the restaurant—all in Viber, which also offers a beautiful interface and cool features.

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