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Samsung Marketing Campaign – About, Marketing Strategies, How To Do Effective Mobile Marketing, And More


Samsung Marketing Campaign that big technology companies are used to, Samsung’s new advertising has focused all its efforts on convincing users of the reliability and robustness of the product. Presents at the beginnings campaign opens the doors of its production centers showing the ins and outs of the laboratories where its smartphones are manufactured. The campaign consists of six videos that show the eight tests that the phones are subjected to overcome the most extreme conditions: falls, pressurized water, resistance in the depth of water, stress tests with extreme temperatures of 60º and -20º, resistance and flexibility tests, battery verification and design requirements.

What Aer The Samsung’s Marketing Strategies?

Samsung’s marketing strategies and activities have certainly influenced the Chilean consumer, and our brand has always tryput to promote positive behaviors in our society. To mention a few examples, through the Trade In Your Best Return campaign, we encourage recycling, making excellent use of old phones to equip the Apps Clubs that we maintain throughout the country.

Our brand has been permanently supporting sports and a healthy lifestyle, sponsoring various runs and athletic competitions and informing how our Gear Fit smartwatch can contribute to health and prevention. And our corporate campaign was accompane by a series of studies that raises eyebrows regarding Chilean families’ customs and how they communicates. All these steps would help you achieve effective mobile marketing and thus attract the maximum number of customers. Society is constantly changing, but smartphones are here to stay. These devices have changes the way of accessing brands of buying different products, and they have even modifying offline purchases.

What Is It  And How To Do Effective Mobile Marketing?

Mobile technology is conquering society. Its adoption by multiple sectors of society is incremental. Every day a technological innovation arises that has to do with mobile marketing. Smartphones allow users to browse the internet, send emails, and upload photos or videos to the web, among many other actions that are becoming commonplace.

All the data indicates that mobile devices are part of our daily lives. And not only for personal enjoyment but also for brands to develop new strategies and attract new customers through mobile marketing.

The statistics speak for themselves and show that companies that have invests in mobile marketing have managing  to improve their visibility and results. Therefore, in 2016, mobile marketing will play a crucial role in the future of different brands. As can be seen from  these 2015 mobile marketing statistics

What Are The Advantages Of Mobile Marketing?

Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing consists of techniques to promote products and brands through mobile devices. This new marketing branch has been a total revolution whose impact is yet to be defines.

As with the appearance of disruptive elements, they rarely imply the abandonment of previous traditional practices. Marketing “of a lifetime” will continue to work and, for now, take over the lion’s share of advertising investments.

However, the following advantages of mobile marketing over traditional marketing can be listing :

It Requires Less Investment, And It Is More Easily Measurable

The cost per impact is usually lower in the case of mobile marketing, above all because as many effects are not lost as in the case of the mass media.

Statistical interpolations are no longer necessary. It is possible to measure everything in mobile marketing, as in all digital marketing. All that is needed is for the different actors to agree on the value given to each parameter.

It Allows A Real And Direct Communication With Each One Of The Clients

Better segmentation & Greater customization:  The brand can more easily reach a specific audience segment by multiple criteria. The most important: the use of the device itself. The mobile belongs to each person, so mobile marketing is one-to-one. If your database is segment correctly, you can personalize almost every message.

Ubiquity And Immediacy And It Favors Greater Interactivity: We all always carry our mobile phones with us, so your communication can be ubiquitous and immediate and skip. Some of the barriers in traditional marketing. In addition, it allows geolocation, one of the significant advantages mobile marketing can take advantage of. Finally, receiving feedback from mobile devices is much easier than from other channels.


It will be  consider that each person daily spends an average of 1.8 hours using their mobile device, and mobile applications consume most of this time. Therefore, you should optimize your emails for mobile since. It is considering  that half of the emails are opens from these mobile devices or tablets. You can lose many potential customers if your company has not made this adjustment. Therefore, if you want to reach these customers, do not miss any opportunity and make the experience of their contact with your brand unbeatable.

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